
10 Things You Don't Know About Me

I'm realizing that I never really introduced myself on here.  I figured I could go on and on about where I live (Las Vegas), and what I do (I'm a stay at home mom), and what my favorite color is (green) . . . but I figured it would be more fun to share a few random facts about me.

So . . . here you go!

10 Random Facts About Me

1.  I can do a dead on impersonation of  Alvin from "Alvin and the Chipmunks".  I felt like I should lead off with that.  Now I've really got your attention, right?

2.  I am obsessed with 100 Grand Bars and Diet Coke.  Like, I have to have both in the house at all times obsessed.

3.  In the six years we have been married, James and I have moved 5 times.  Our furthest move was from Cedar City, Utah to Parsippany, New Jersey.  We lasted about two months there.  Haha!

4.  When I was a teenager I got super into the Nancy Drew mystery series.  There are 64 books in the series and I read almost all of them.  And I would do it again!  I'm always down for a good mystery.

5.  I have a Bachelor's Degree in Sociology.  No, I don't know what I'll ever do with that.

6.  Ever since I started grocery shopping for myself, I have enjoyed seeing how far I can stretch my grocery budget.  Once, in college, I lived off of $14 for two weeks.  Baked potatoes every night, baby.

7.  Music was once a very big part of my life.  When I was growing up I took piano, violin, viola, and singing lessons. I played the viola throughout college and continue to sing whenever I get the opportunity.

8.  I'm a crier.  I cry all the time.  But not usually in a sad way!  I laugh until I cry.  I cry when I hold a baby.  I cry thinking about how much I love my family and friends.  I guess you could say I have a tender heart?  That's like, kind of a nicer way of saying "cry baby", right?

9.  I am 26 years old.  People always assume I'm older.  In the past few months I have been mistaken for my 24 year old sister's mother three times.  When I was in middle school, my friends and I once got to take a longer lunch because the lunch lady thought I was my friend's mom.  But don't worry, I'm not a regular mom.  I'm a cool mom.

10.  I believed in Santa Claus longer than anyone I've ever met.  I think I was in seventh grade when my mom officially broke the news to me.  I was super bummed out, because I'd been defending the guy for some of the most awkward years of my life.

Soooo, there you have it!  I want to get to know YOU better!  Leave me a random fact about yourself in the comments!



  1. Those are awesome facts lady! I don't know if I have any as cool as that . . . although I've moved eight times since I've been married. But I've been married 14 years.

  2. "But don't worry, I'm not a regular mom. I'm a cool mom." hahaha you cracked me up on that one.

    I feel like we have a lot in common! My husband and I have been married four years and moved four times. Our biggest move was from Central Pennsylvania to San Antonio, TX! & I have a Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing, which also prompts a lot of people saying things like, "What are you ever going to use that for?" *eye roll*
