8 Ways to Fix a Bad Day

This past week has been kind of a bummer.  I got some bad news, and it put me in a funk. For a few days, I was feeling a little foggy.  

Luckily, I have some tried and true ways to pull myself out of the blues. I thought I'd share what works for me, in case you're needing a boost, too. 

Tip Number One:  Write down 3 things you're grateful for.

About a year ago, I was in a really sad state.  There were trials in my life I didn't feel I could overcome.  Every day felt heavy and overwhelming.  Someone in my life recommended to me that I end each day by writing in a gratitude journal.  This advice helped me so much!  Every night, before I went to bed, I wrote down 3 ways that I saw God's hand in my day.  Or 3 things that I was grateful for.  I began to recognize that even on my hardest, darkest days there was something beautiful in my life.  When I am having a bad day, I read through this little journal and remember that I am loved and that the blessings in my life are brighter than the hardships.

Tip Number Two:  Look for ways to serve others.

Service is something that always makes me feel better, emotionally.  Service doesn't have to be overwhelming.  It can be as simple as saying a prayer for someone you know is having a hard time, or texting a friend who might be lonely.  Obviously there are more involved things you can do, but for a few minutes try and focus your energy on someone else.  It is amazing how serving someone can boost your mood.

Tip Number Three:  Get outside.

Sometimes, when I am feeling overwhelmed, the best cure is to take a little walk around the block.  Breathe in the fresh air.  Look around you, and try to find something beautiful.  Listen to the wind, or the birds chirping, or children playing.  Feel the sunshine against your cheeks.  Stretch from the tips of your fingers to the bottom of your toes.  Take 10 minutes to appreciate what a dazzling world we live in.  (This is coming from a person who lives across from an Ocean Spray factory.  Finding beauty is possible in any environment.  Haha!)

Tip Number Four:  Say some positive self affirmations.

When my self esteem is low, I tend to engage in a lot of negative self talk.  "I'm ugly."  "I'm annoying."  "I'm a bad mom."  Etc.  Take time to think of some phrases you can use to combat these thoughts.  For me, I say "I am beautiful."  "It doesn't matter what they think, it matters what God thinks." Or "I am important."  I have self affirmations written all over my house.  I find that when I'm looking at them constantly, I am less likely to think negative thoughts.

Tip Number Five:  Make sure you're getting enough rest.

Sometimes depression is a sign that you simply need to get some rest.  Rest allows our brain to be able to heal.  If you have a feeling that you might need a break from life, honor that as best as you can.  Take a few hours to lay in bed.  Journal.  Call your mom or your dad or your best friend.  Mediate.  Pray.  Do whatever you need to do to give your brain a rest from your worries.

Tip Number Six:  Keep yourself busy.

On the opposite end of number five, sometimes spending time in bed can be the  worst thing you can do for depression.  I find that when I get depressed, my first instinct is to usually clean something.  I'll organize my pantry, or go through my closet, wipe down my baseboards, or vacuum my stairs.  Anything to keep my hands and mind busy.  Added bonus, my house is peaceful and tidy so that when I am ready to relax I can do so without the distraction of a messy home.   

Tip Number Seven:  Meditation

This is something that, I will admit, I'm not very good at.  But if I am truly having a horrible day meditation helps a lot.  I will put in my ear phones and listen to Belleruth Naparstek on Youtube.  Her voice is a little funny at first, but her guided imagery and affirmations help me feel peace and release stress.  Definitely give it a try if you're having a rough day!  I even listen to her at night, as I'm trying to fall asleep.  Click here for one of my favorite sessions.  

Tips Number Eight:  Get Ready

I always feel better when I am showered, dressed, and have on a little make up. Sometimes getting ready is the very last thing I want to do, but when I am ready I am usually much more motivated to do the other things mentioned on the list.  You don't have to do anything fancy, but spend a few minutes taking care of yourself.  You deserve it!

Those are my top tips!  What did I miss?  What are your go-to ways to cheer yourself up? 

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

**click on picture for sources**

1 comment

  1. Chelsea, this is such good information! I'm so proud of the way you make the most of each day and work so hard to address trials that come your way! I love you!
