
DIY Headboard

We live in a rental and also have student loans so . . . my decorating budget is basically zero.  But, living in a home that isn't cozy just is not an option for me.  So, I have stretched myself to come up with creative ways to make my house feel warm and inviting.  

We don't have a proper bedroom set, but I felt like our bed looked so sad against this big wall without anything behind it.  To fix this, I ordered three engineering prints from Staples, grabbed the cheapest poster frames I could find at Walmart, spray painted them to match my bedding (spray paint fixes everything!), and BAM!  Makeshift headboard,  Cost me less that $30! 

If you aren't as vain as I am, and don't enjoy gazing at yourself before falling asleep, I think botanical prints would look super cute.  You could really print out anything!  

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